How To Become A Good Gambler

3/25/2022by admin

So, you’re looking for a career change? If you’re wondering what it takes or if you have what it takes to become a professional gambler, you’re in the right spot. Before I get started, though, I want to be clear on what you should NOT expect from this post. Do not expect me to give you a sugarcoated, rainbows-and-unicorns look at what it takes to become a professional gambler. Instead, I’m going to give you a gritty and in your face breakdown that does include some harsh realities.

Why am I opting for the more intense approach? I’m doing this because I assume a lot of you that are here are seriously considering what to do with your time or your future. I think it would be a gross disservice not to give you the raw information. If you only get the good side of something, you can’t ever be prepared for the realities that come along with it.

Winning at betting on sports is a 'mindset' and to be a successful gambler you need to be good in other areas besides just picking winners and discipline is key. You need to be able to handle. In order to be successful, sports bettors need to have a solid knowledge of sports. Without this trait, it is honestly near impossible to become good at sports betting. Having a good knowledge of sports allows successful sports bettors to understand better things that might impact their wagers.

Why should you listen to me? Well, without going into too much detail, I was a professional poker player for 12+ years. It wasn’t just something that I did on the side of my real job; it was my job. Poker was my sole source of income. Because of that and the time I spent in casinos, I was able to meet a lot of people that made their money from the gambling industry (not just poker). Today, I want to share some of that insight with you, hopefully give you the information you need to decide if this is the road for you, and then tell you how to get there.

Skill Games versus Games of Chance

If you take nothing else from this article, please take the information I am about to give you. You CANNOT be a professional gambler at a game of chance (with one exception). This means, if the casino has a statistical advantage in a game, there is no way that you can ever beat that game in the long run. No matter what “system” you think you have, you are not Houdini, and you cannot defy math.

Many people have tried, and all of them have failed miserably. I’ve personally met people that claimed to play games like craps or roulette for a living thanks to their systems. Here’s a spoiler. They were all poor and broke. I asked them why they weren’t rolling in the dough (yes, I am forward), and they informed me that they were just on a bad run. Ummm, hello!!! That is what gambling is. You can potentially win in the short run, but in the long run, the house is always going to come out on top.

The only way you can beat the casino in a game of chance, in the long run, is by cheating, or by doing something that will get you kicked out and banned from the casino.

What is the one exception I mentioned? Blackjack. Blackjack will have tournaments that you can enter that allow you to do those things that would get you kicked out of the casino on a normal day. They let you count cards, and that allows you to gain a statistical edge over the house and your opponents. The only reason they allow this is that you aren’t playing against the casino. You have paid an entry fee to compete in the tournament, and all you can win is the entry fees from other players. This scene was pretty big and growing for a while but in recent years has leveled off in popularity and prize pool sizes.

Skill games, on the other hand, are games where the better players will win in the long run. How can you spot a skill game? If you are not competing against the house but against other players and patrons, you are most likely playing a game of skill. If you are competing against the house, with the exception of sports betting, you are playing a game of chance. If you truly understand sports betting, you’ll see that you’re actually competing against other patrons as well even though your bet is with the house. That’s a discussion we can save for another day, though.

So, what does this mean? This means that step one in the process of becoming a professional gambler is to choose a game of skill. Make sure you are playing a game where it is possible for you to make a long-term and sustained living. To help you out, I’m going to list off a few of the popular games you could choose from that people do make a living at.

The Gambling Games You Should Choose From

As a quick note, while most of the world will refer to these games as gambling, they really aren’t gambling at all. Gambling is when you make a wager on a game of chance. Since you are in control of the outcome of these games, they are no longer games of chance. Therefore, they aren’t gambling. Yes, some of these games will have a luck factor involved, but in the long run, skill is going to prevail over the variance caused by that luck factor.


I figured I would lead off with the exception to “get it out of the way.” If you’re looking to make a living at Blackjack, the only way that you’re going to pull that off is by getting involved in the tournament scene. The problem, though, is that the scene is shrinking and the people that are currently in it are very good at what they do.


If you’re considering becoming a professional blackjack player by counting cards, good luck. I am definitely advising you against it.

The casinos know every trick in the book, and you’re just going to end up getting caught and banned from every property on the planet. My best advice is to pick a different game on this list if you are looking to play for a living.


One of the best options on this list of games to play professionally is poker. Am I a little biased because it’s what I did? Probably. However, if you take an objective look at all of the facts, it is the clear winner. It’s a game where there is a lot of money to win, several different formats you can try, and a constant influx of new and bad players to win money from.

Out of everything on this list, I would say that it’s the easiest to get to a professional level. No, I am not saying that it is easy, but I am saying it is feasible for you to do. There are a lot of varying levels of success that you can hit as well so it’s not a make it or break it kind of game. If you’re serious about getting into a “gambling” profession, this may be a great place for you to look if you want something that has some longevity to it.

Chess, Backgammon, Tonk, and Spades

Believe it or not, a lot of the games that you may have played as a kid or teenager are games that you can play professionally for a living. Now, at first you might not have thought to include these in the same category as games like poker and Blackjack, but in reality, they fit. Again, these are games of skill with lots of options for playing for a living.


Years ago, your only option for these games was to find a major tournament at a brick-and-mortar location and play against the best in the world. Today, though, you can find these games offered online at casinos. You have the option of playing against thousands of players of all skill levels from around the world for real money. The best part is that the stakes start low so you can work your way up the game ladder, and you don’t have to pony up a ton of money to get started.

Sports Betting

I mentioned earlier that when you’re betting against the house, you can’t sustain a long-term profit. The only exception to that is sports betting because even though you are betting against the house, you are really betting against other patrons. The house does their best to get even bets on both sides of a game so that no matter who wins or loses they make a profit. This means that the line shifts will happen because of what the rest of the betting public does.


You’re ideally looking for value opportunities of bad lines thanks to the ignorance of the betting public.

I could go deeper into that, but we’d end up in a full-on discussion of how sports betting works, and I’d like to try my best to stay on topic today. Sports betting is a form of “gambling” that is certainly beatable. It’s probably one of the more challenging forms of gambling to do for a living and requires a strong heart that can take a lot of pressure and anxiety.

I do know some friends that do it for a living and have done quite nicely at it, but it comes at the expense of their sanity. That being said, it is beatable in the long term which means that it is a form of “gambling” that you could do for a living.


Wait, you can play video games professionally? Welcome to 2018! If you’re a rock star at a video game, chances are that you can play that game professionally. Tournaments are exploding all over the world with millions of dollars in prize money available for those individuals and teams that win. On top of that, there are millions of dollars in sponsorships available for these teams from the game creators and other companies interested in having an influence in the industry.

Your Next Steps to Become a Professional Gambler

Alright, so you’ve picked out which form of “gambling” you want to go professional at. Now what? To help you on your quest, I’ve outlined some actionable steps for you to take to get started. Remember this, though. None of this is going to be easy and most people that try end up failing. It takes a lot of hard work, dedication, and the ability to deal with some failures to make it as a professional gambler. Even after all of that, some people just don’t have the skill set to make it happen.

I don’t say any of that to deter you from trying, though. Don’t ever let anyone tell you that you can’t do anything. If you work hard enough and smart enough, you can achieve anything you want to. I will climb off my motivational speaker soapbox now and get to those steps.

1. Research Like a Crazy Person

The first thing that you need to do is learn absolutely everything you can about playing your game for a living. Look up other professionals, how they make money, and any other information you can on the topic. Try and identify if there is a smooth road to the top or if it’s something that requires a leap of faith (avoid these situations).

What you’re really trying to do here is a get an idea of what it’s going to take for your game specifically to make it to the top. You’re also trying to identify whether or not there is enough opportunity for you to make a living playing that game feasibly.

2. Formulate a Plan of Attack

The next step is to take all of your research and come up with a plan for you to go from schmo to pro. Make sure that your plan is detailed and gives you actionable steps that you can take to achieve your goal. This should mainly be based around how you’re going to learn the game, how you’re going to master it, how you’re going to test your skills without risking an arm and a leg, and ultimately how you’re going to turn it from a hobby into a career.

Your plan also needs to have some contingencies built in for the times that things don’t go according to plan. If you think that everything is going to go according to plan, you have another thing coming. Be realistic and make a plan that you can stick to.

3. Understand the Risks

You HAVE to understand that what you are attempting to do here is not easy. If it were easy, everyone and their brother would be a professional gambler. The risks are real, and when you lose money, you don’t just get it back with a do-over. There is no reset button on a lot of this.

The good news is that the nature of the industry now allows you to start these games for very low stakes and minimal risk. Take advantage of this. Online casinos don’t have to pay additional dealers or setup costs to facilitate more games which means they can offer things at super low stakes.


Make Sure That You Have an Exit Strategy or a Stop Loss in Place.

Don’t let yourself get out of hand chasing your dream. Yes, you shouldn’t let anything stand in your way, but losing all your money trying to achieve this dream is not noble. It’s stupid and the sign of someone who would never survive gambling professionally.

4. Start Learning

The only way that you’re going to make it to the pro level with any of these games is by immersing yourself completely in the learning process. You have to soak up every bit of information out there and ultimately know more than your opponents.

Here’s the most important part, though. Make sure that the information you are learning is good information. I feel like my track record affords me the right to speak as a voice of reason on poker and I can confidently tell you that most poker knowledge out there that people pass off as pro knowledge is garbage. Make sure that you’re learning from a reputable source and that the information is current and quality. This might mean you have to pay for some of it. Do your research (Step 1).

5. Start Small and Continually Adapt

Take. Your. Time. This is not something that is going to happen overnight. This is not something that is going to happen in a few weeks. It very well could take years for you to be able to reach the skill level necessary even to take a shot at playing professionally for a living. Even if you’re good enough, you still might not make it. You might not have access to the right opportunities, or you may have issues getting your mental game or bankroll management in line.


Again, none of this is to deter you from giving it a shot. It’s just a warning to take your time.

The learning process is going to be long and challenging and probably frustrating at times.

The Wrap Up

If you’ve made it this far in the post, you’ve got hope! Look, I seriously am not trying to deter any of you from giving this a shot. I loved my years playing as a professional and wouldn’t trade them for anything. That being said, I wish I would have known how challenging things would be before I jumped in. Would it have deterred me? Probably not, but a heads up would have been pleasant.

If you’re serious about doing this, I wish you the best of luck and hope you follow some of the advice that I gave you. Good luck!


Almost all types of casino gambling result in losses for the player. Even players who use the best strategies lose a lot of the time. That’s because all casino games are mathematically designed to give the house an unassailable edge.

But if you use some basic rules of thumb, you can minimize the amount you lose over time. You can also increase the amount of fun you have at the tables (or in front of the machines). Some of these concepts aren’t immediately obvious, either.

The 11 ideas in this post, then, are meant to do 2 things:

  • Minimize your losses
  • Increase your fun (and potential profits)

If some of these ideas seem to suck the fun out of casino gambling, feel free to ignore them. It’s not my business to explain how you should gamble. I get a lot of pleasure from outsmarting the casino. You might just want to have fun.

And there’s nothing wrong with that attitude, either.

1 – Play the Right Games

If you don’t know what the house edge is, then you need to learn about it quickly. I’ll cover some of the basics for you, but a lot more study is required on your part if you’re going to choose the right games to play. The house edge is the percentage advantage that the casino has over you in respect to the games they offer.

Every game has a generalized house edge that you can find online. If you’re looking for the specific house edge of a game at a casino then you’ll need to do the calculations yourself as subtle rule differences impact the edge profoundly.

With all of this being said about the house edge, you’ll only find one game in the casino that is positive expectation. That is, if you play perfect strategy you can make money in the long run. That game is Deuces Wild video poker. And this is only true if you’re lucky enough to find the best pay table.

The reason casinos offer it is because it’s very difficult to implement perfect strategy and most players make mistakes that bring the edge back into the house’s favour.

After this video poker variant, you can play poker and bet on sports and horse racing if you hope to gamble with an edge. These are really the only other ways to make money in the long term.

Blackjack is also positive expectation if you use perfect basic strategy and count cards. But this is quite difficult to do these days and you’ll be evicted from most casinos for doing so. And in some cases you’ll be black listed for life.

If you must play casino table games, then stick to baccarat, craps, and blackjack. These offer the smallest possible house edge which means you’ll be able to push your dollars as far as possible. Remember to keep in mind that it’s impossible to win in the long term though.

By far the best game to play in the casino is poker. You can win in the long term in poker as the game is partially skill based and you face off against other players instead of the casino. The casino will make money from the games by charging a rake, both in tournaments and cash games. This is a small and insignificant amount though if you’re playing at even the lowest possible stakes.

After poker, stick with horse racing and sports betting. If you use the right strategies and methods you can win money in the long run betting on these.

It’s very difficult though, and even the professionals don’t make a lot of money. In recent times, daily fantasy sports have also risen to prominence and quite a few people have made decent money. It’s very difficult to do these days though so unless you’re going to put in a lot of hours you probably won’t do too well.

2- Don’t Play the Wrong Games

Knowing which games to play is just as important as knowing which games to avoid. In most casinos, you’ll come across a lot of these.

It goes without saying that lottery style games are the absolute worst for the player. This includes Keno, so if you regularly play this at the casino then consider switching to bingo instead.

It’s a similar game with slightly better odds and is a lot more socially engaging which makes up for the poor house edge. Now that you’re going to avoid lottery games, I’ll go into some more detail about other carnival games that you should skip.

First off, I call them carnival games because the odds are so massively stacked against you that you need to get very lucky to win. Much like the games you find at a carnival.

Casinos love these types of games because they’re quite often played very quickly, and have a huge house edge. Most important for them though is the fact they’re usually highly entertaining and thus, attract a lot of players.

Examples of some popular carnival games include Caribbean Stud, Mississippi Stud, Three Card Poker, Four Card Poker, Texas Shootout, Ultimate Texas Holdem and Texas Holdem Bonus. These games all have a house edge above 2%, with Caribbean Stud hitting 5%. This just isn’t good for the player, so try to avoid these games.

Slots are a tricky one. While they’re technically a poor game choice, many people have a lot of fun playing them. If your main aim is to make money you should never play slots. They’re programmed to take a fixed percentage off players over a prolonged period. This coupled with the fact there’s no decision making makes them one to avoid.

However, if you love playing slots and have a lot of fun then consider moving across to video poker. Video poker offers solo play on a machine in much the same way slots do.

The main difference is that video poker is going to soften the blow in relation to how much you lose. The game is a lot slower than most slots and the house edge is drastically smaller. On top of this you have decisions to make in video poker so you can use strategy to improve your chances.

Another game that’s the wrong game, is any one that you don’t know how to play and implement perfect strategy. I’ll cover more on this below, but a general rule to follow is never to play a game for real money that you aren’t familiar with.

3 – Manage Your Bankroll

If you’re going to take your gambling seriously and would like to do as well as possible, then you need to manage your bankroll. All too often you’ll hear stories of people losing everything at the casino or track. While this is tragic it can be easily avoided with some discipline and a sound bankroll management strategy.

To start with, you should set aside a fixed amount of money you’re going to use for gambling purposes. This should be separate from money you use in everyday life. If you wish to add or subtract from this you can do so, but it should be only in certain situations and based on time, not on the amount of money you have in your bankroll.

Once you’ve done this, you can then start to think about how much of your bankroll you’re willing to risk each session or game. For those who are keen poker players, you may have heard that 5% is the key percentage when it comes to game cost to bankroll ratio.

That is, you should never risk more than 5% of your bankroll in a single game. This is a good rule to live by and should ensure that you never go truly broke. This is if you’re playing poker, betting on horses or sports, or playing daily fantasy sports, and that you’re implementing solid and successful strategies in doing so. This is the key.

If you play a negative expectation game your bankroll will slowly diminish over time, and eventually you’ll have to re-fill it from other areas of income. This is fine, provided you’re playing for entertainments sake and understand that you’ll lose in the long run.

One more key thing you’ll need to do when managing your bankroll is keeping track of everything. You can do this through a spreadsheet on your computer, or even a diary. It’s basically like keeping a budget on what you’ve spent money on, where you’ve made money, and where you’ve lost it.

This way you’ll be able to better track your spending patterns and manage your bankroll more effectively.

Finally, if you’re a recreational gambler and head to Las Vegas or Atlantic City once a year, then you can also implement some bankroll management tactics. The best one to use on short trips is to identify in advance how much money you’re going to gamble.

Then you can divide this up by the number of days you’re in town to work out your daily allowance. Once you’ve done this place each day’s amount in its own envelope. When you arrive in Las Vegas or wherever you may be, place the envelopes in the safe and then use each one on the relevant day.

Once you’ve spent all of the day’s money then that’s it; no more gambling. If you stick to this method you’ll never spend more than you’re meant to and quite often you’ll end up winning each day, which makes things even nicer.

4 – Don’t Drink While You Gamble

While this may seem like a no brainer, it’s amazing how often people drink far too much alcohol while they’re gambling.

The result is always the same; they lose far more money and make much riskier bets because their usually sound decision making is influenced negatively by the drinks. Casinos know and understand this. That’s why you’ll get free drinks while you gamble in Las Vegas, and in some other casinos around the United States. Free drinks while gaming is much less common in other areas in the world.

I just want to be clear here; there’s nothing wrong in my opinion in having a few drinks while you play. It’s even OK to get seriously drunk and have a lot of fun from time to time.

The main thing you need to do is control your losses. If you’re going to drink a lot you need to set up a system, while sober, to protect yourself, from yourself.

Some strategies to do this include leaving your wallet and credit cards in the room safe and only taking a set amount of money out with you, or you could also give these to a trustworthy friend to look after for the evening. They must be able to resist your efforts to get them back later, because trust me; more often than not you’ll try.

Obviously if you only have a few drinks and have some good self control you should be able to still stay with it enough to not risk too much money and stay within your pre-prescribed parameters. If you want to become a good gambler then this is as far as you should go. If you want to drink and have fun, then leave the tables and do so in the bar or restaurant, and have your fun socializing with friends and family instead of through gambling.

Casinos in Las Vegas are starting to crack down on free loaders betting the minimum amount to get free drinks. Unfortunately this is starting to disengage some of their keen gamblers and drinkers. It’s a real shame they’re going down this path, for a variety of reasons. But it should help you to not get as intoxicated and lose as much at the tables.

One other thing I would note, is that if you do end up drinking a lot and losing far too much money, don’t beat yourself up about it. That won’t help anything and in all likelihood, it will take you even further down a bad path. If you try to take the fun out of it, and learn from the experience, you’ll be much better off in the future.

5 – Learn How to Play and Win at Poker

By far, the best game to play in any casino is poker and therefore most casinos only offer it as almost an amenity and not a money making game.

They do make money on poker but it’s only a small amount. Poker is the best game to play because you can win in the long term and you aren’t battling against the house in a game that’s designed to slowly take all your money.

In poker, and I’m mostly talking about Texas holdem, you play against other people and battle it out across the felt to take each other’s money. As a result, you can win in the long term if you have a solid strategy and continuously make positive expectation plays. I’ll go into detail on this a bit more later.

Because poker is largely skill based, you can ride out the good and bad luck that you’ll encounter in the short term to make money in the long term. Many thousands of people in the United States and across the world make money player poker.

The key of course, is to be better than other players so you must continuously be learning and training to have a sufficient edge over others so that you can win.

This is where positive expectation comes into it. To win in the long term every decision you make at the table must be made so that it results in profits and winning in the long term.

You can learn one of two strategies to do this. These are game theory optimal and exploitation. I’m not going to go into these here, but now you know them you can learn more. You can find literally thousands of poker books out there, but ultimately you need to log hours at the table and play thousands of hands to become better. Over time you’ll start winning and will come out on top in the long run, if you’re willing to put in the effort and have some natural people reading talent.

If you live in the United States you won’t be able to play poker online, unless you’re in one of the singular states that offers restricted poker rooms. If you are then you should try to hone your skills in small games online first. This way you can learn the game and will be much more confident the first time you sit down at the real felt.

6 – Practice Before You Play for Real

One of the most important things you can do in respect to becoming a better gambler is to practice the games you’re going to play before you get to the casino and start risking your cash. By playing in a risk free environment you can learn the best strategies and skills so the house edge is as low as possible. Obviously, this doesn’t apply in games where no decision making is required, like slots.

Practicing is easy to do, with most online casinos offering free to play games. On top of this you can also find live casinos that offer tutorials, usually early in the morning, on some of their games. This way you can learn in the real environment. Finally, you can just get a deck of cards or a few dice and practice with your friends and family at home.

While you may think practicing is limited to casino based games, you can also practice betting on sports, horse racing, and in daily fantasy sports. Many web sites allow you to practice with a set amount of money on these which you can use as play money.

Online poker sites also offer games for free, with play money. You should take advantage of these methods to improve your game so that when you’re risking money you increase your chances as much as possible.

Recently, apps have been released that work on Android and Apple devices that train you as you practice. If you get a video poker app, when you play and make an incorrect decision the game will alert you to this fact and help you in choosing the right play to make. These are great and are an excellent way to not only improve your experience in playing the game but also to advance your knowledge of optimal strategy.

7 – Keep a Log Book

This piece of advice goes hand in hand with bankroll management, but it also has more benefits. The main one being that by keeping a log book of everything you’ve done in relation to your gambling you’ll be able to identify your leaks and your cash cows.


Your leaks will be games and bet types where you often lose, and your cash cows are the bets that you make that result in consistent wins. From this information, you can then plug your leaks by stopping making those bets, and you can divert your attention to the games and bets where you make the most money.

This way you’ll lose less and win more. Which is certainly an effective way to become a better gambler.

Your log book should also contain qualitative information and data such as where you gambled, what you did that day, people you were with, what you ate and drank, and what the weather was like. This way you can factor in all these things when you make future selections. This will help mostly in sports betting and horse racing, but it will also provide you with valuable insights in relation to other forms of gambling.

Over time you’ll learn what works best for you and what information you find most valuable in your log book. So, make sure you tinker often and keep track of everything, as it could help you save a lot of money and win a lot of money down the track.

8 – Think Long Term

If you follow all the proven advice that I’ve given you above, then one thing you must do is think long term.

In all forms of gambling you’re going to experience natural variance. This is the swings up and down. One day you may be lucky and win a lot of money without even trying, and another day you may lose every single penny even when you make all the right decisions and implement perfect strategies. This is just the nature of gambling, and therefore you must always think long term.

It’s easy when it comes to money for emotions to cloud your judgment. This happens all the time and if you think short term and punish yourself when you lose, then you’ll end up going on tilt and probably losing even more in a reckless way.

You need to always remind yourself that what you’re doing should be measured over several years and thousands of instances; otherwise you’ll drive yourself crazy.

Now, it’s very east to write this and preach that you must think long term, and it’s a lot harder to do. However, never fear, there are some great strategies to help you to keep your focus on the bigger picture.

Remember when I covered bankroll management and log books earlier. These are the keys in keeping you focused. By keeping track of everything and having a live profit and loss statement you’ll be able to allay any concerns you have and bring yourself back from the brink.

If you sit down at a poker table and lose every hand because of variance and not poor play or weak strategy, then you’ll undoubtedly feel like you’re doing something wrong. But if you go back to your log book and see that the dollars you lost are insignificant in relation to the many dollars you’ve made in the long run, you’ll feel a lot better about things. Your bankroll management techniques will also ensure that your bankroll weathers the storm of variance that has been unleashed upon you.

By using these strategies and techniques you’ll stay happy and sane, and be able to continue to improve and get better as a gambler. Remember, you want to reward yourself and be happy with your gambling for making the right decisions and the right moves, not based on the outcome.

Life Of A Professional Gambler

9 – Never Listen to Your Heart

If you’re a Broncos fan like me, you want to get behind them with every fiber of your being. This also extends to your betting.

But, if you want to become a better gambler you should always listen to your head and not your heart. So, don’t bet on your favorite teams or colors, or anything else that you can relate to on a personal level. You should always make decisions based on all the information available to you, and the best possible strategies that are at your disposal.

While this is far more common in horse racing and sports betting, it’s also a big problem in daily fantasy sports and casino games. Everyone has a favorite number or color, and a machine that they feel pays out to them more often than not. This is all nonsense though, and you’ll just end up losing more money if you abide by these types of superstitious factors.

Remember, this piece of advice is relevant to you if you want to become a better gambler. It’s not meant to take away all the fun that you experience while gambling.

So, if you’re a social gambler and don’t mind losing a bit, provided you’re entertained while you do so, then bet on that horse that has a funny name, or on the sports team that you’ve loved since day one. If you aren’t risking a lot and it’s all in the name of fun, then go for it.

One extra little piece of advice that I’ll give you in this respect is that public teams quite often get inaccurate odds in pari-mutuel betting pools. So, you can use this to your advantage by finding big public teams and betting against them when the odds don’t reflect the better side. This is a fantastic way to find value in sports betting.

10 – Take a Break

How to become a successful football gambler

This one is kind of self explanatory, but you must take a break from gambling every now and then. It’s not doing you any favours to grind it out at the race track or poker table 12 hours a day for 30 days straight.

You’ll just burn out and start making poor decisions and choices which will result in big losses. If you want to take your gambling seriously, and even become a professional, you need balance in your life.

Signs Of A Gambler

Make sure that you keep doing the things you love, that sit outside of gambling. As I touched on earlier, you’re going to go through some tough patches from time to time due to the natural variance that occurs in almost every form of gambling. Even with a strong mindset and a solid long term view, you’ll be seriously tested when this happens.

So, when the going gets tough, take a break and do something you enjoy. Go and play a round of golf or watch a movie. The tables, horse races, and sports aren’t going anywhere, nor are the casinos. When you’re ready to return, you’ll be back at your best, refreshed and more likely to make sound decisions that are in line with optimal strategies for the game that you’re playing.

11 – Have fun

How to become a successful professional gambler

How To Become A Successful Professional Gambler

As always, you should be having fun when you’re gambling. If you’re happy and enjoying what you’re doing you’ll be a lot better at it. Therefore, it’s pretty much non-negotiable that you must be having fun while you play in order to become and be a better gambler.


How To Become A Successful Football Gambler

Use these 11 proven ways to become a better gambler starting today to lose less, win more, and have fun. The only way to become a better gambler is to develop a plan and start working on it. These tips are a great way to start.

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