How To Earn Money Gambling
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According to H2 Gambling Capital, the global online gambling market was estimated at €41.9 billion in 2017. Analysts predict that this figure will grow up to €50.1 billion in 2019 and up to €54 billion in 2020.
The rapid development of the gambling industry makes it attractive for earnings. One of the most profitable ways to gain profit in the gambling sector is affiliate marketing. It provides Internet users with wide possibilities and allows to multiply income without huge investments.
There are dozens of gambling websites out there, but only a few provide free money to their users. Find out which are the ones you can trust.

The article reveals what affiliate marketing means and how to earn on the Web using it.
Affiliate marketing: features and advantages
Affiliate marketing supposes the promotion of goods or services on the Internet in exchange for the money reward.
Affiliate marketing is implemented in gambling as follows: online casinos or betting shops are advertisers. A platform provides partners with unique affiliate links. They place given links on their own websites or blogs. Affiliates redirect traffic from their resources to gambling and/or betting portals. When users visit the customer’s website and/or conduct a certain action there, partners receive the money reward.
Affiliate marketing benefits for affiliates:
- high revenues. The more traffic you redirect to the advertiser’s website, the more money you will obtain. Proceeds of experienced partners are estimated at dozens of thousands of dollars;
- remote work and flexible hours. Affiliates do not have to go to offices and steadily work within 9-10 hours per day. They can independently plan their labor hours and engage in affiliate activities from any place with Internet access;
- absence of great investments. Affiliate programs supply webmasters with off-the-shelf advertising materials. You do not have to spend your personal money on marketing campaign development.
Affiliates’ earnings: key reward types in gambling
Currently, there three core models of cooperation between advertisers and partners:
- Revenue Share. Affiliates receive a percentage of the casino profit generated by attracted players. In other words, a part of the sum lost by a client goes to the partner’s budget. The fee can range between 25% and 60%.
- СРА. It means the fee for a certain action on the advertiser’s website. For instance, entering the online casino/betting shop portal, registration, deposit refilling, etc. Partners can obtain from dozens to several hundreds of dollars per each action.
- Mixed model. It combines two previous options of collaboration: partners get both a percentage of the online platform income and a fixed sum for a certain action.
Each affiliate program pays different fees to affiliates. Experienced webmasters generating lots of high-quality traffic can be offered better conditions.
How to become an affiliate and earn money? Step-by-step guide
You can become a successful gambling affiliate by taking a responsible approach to your activity, constantly developing skills of promoting websites on the Internet, and analyzing performed work. Let’s review in detail what steps should be conducted in order to adjust the partner’s efficient operations.
Step 1. Choose a niche and explore it
Partners can focus on two areas in the online gambling niche: online casinos and betting shops. Each one has its own features, specific nature, and target audience. It is better to prefer a niche that you know or the one you are interested in. Thus, it will be easier to puzzle out particular characteristics of the area and create appropriate content for your website.
Determining the niche, you should thoroughly explore it. For example, deciding to promote online casinos offering a wide range of slots, you should know much more about this kind of gambling entertainment than average users. You will have to find out what slots are the most popular, who develop them, how to draw jackpots using them, and so on.
Step 2. Develop your own website
To earn using affiliate marketing, you need your own website or blog in order to publish affiliate links leading to the casino portal.
There are several options of website development:
- portal development from scratch. This is the obligation of webmasters;
- website development on your own. You will require some programming knowledge to accomplish this;
- usage of a website builder. It is referred to online services allowing inexperienced users to create their own portals. They include Wix, Weebly, SiteBuilder;
- exploitation of the Content Management System (CMS). It is a software allowing to design and manage a web resource. For instance, WordPress, Joomla, Drupal.
Step 3. Generate content
How To Earn Money Gaming
High-quality content is a crucial part of each website. If you decide to use a portal to drive online casino traffic, it is better to fill it with corresponding entertainment content. If you are aimed at betting platform traffic, your materials can also highlight sports topics.

Articles published on the resource should be interesting and useful to potential customers of gambling and/or betting platforms. It can be reviews of casinos, betting shops, sports teams; tips for developing poker or blackjack strategies; gambling game ratings; success stories, etc. Materials should contain eye-catching images, photos, or videos of high quality.
Besides, content should as unique as possible. It will not only ensure greater traffic, but will also help to promote the resource in search systems.
Step 4. Focus on website SEO
SEO is a set of actions intended to optimize an online resource in order to enhance its positions in the search engine results. If you adjust operations efficiently, users will easily find your resource when entering key words or phrases in the search engine. The more users visit your website, the larger traffic you redirect to advertisers’ portals and earn more.
As part of SEO, you should create a base of key words and phrases. They should be routinely added in published materials. One more important thing is to make innerlinking, to link pages of your portal with references. You should also take care of placing links to your website on third-party resources. You can select portals of similar themes.
Step 5. Choose an affiliate program
There are two ways of earning on affiliate marketing:
- directly joining one or several affiliate programs;
- becoming a participant of an affiliate network, a mediator between advertisers and affiliates.
Prior to starting actively working with an affiliate program or network, you should examine its cooperation conditions (payment schemes and terms, minimum amount of withdrawals) and check feedback from other webmasters. Moreover, you should assess the quality of creatives and advertising materials offered by the advertiser. If you decide to join the affiliate network, figure out what companies and brands it promotes.
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Take a responsible approach to the selection of affiliate programs or networks. Your revenues will depend on this fact.
Step 6. Promote your website
The more traffic you generate on your portal, the more users will follow affiliate links. You can promote your online resource using the following methods:
- social media. Create a personal page on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, VKontakte, Odnoklassniki. Publish links to your portal there;
- collaboration with other similar websites. Find resources covering the same topics. Contact their webmasters or editors. Agree upon the publication of materials or links leading to your portal. Placement of affiliate website’s ads on such platforms will result in better traffic;
- email newsletter. Collect email addresses of your online resource users and send notifications of new materials on the website to them.
Step 7. Analyze the results and advance
Affiliate marketing obliges you to constantly search for, develop, and apply new website promotion strategies. The results of your operations should be analyzed. Therefore, you will be able to determine what materials are more interesting to users and what ads help to redirect greater traffic to the advertiser’s website. According to obtained information, you will be able to realize what strategies are required to work with the audience of your website.
Being an affiliate in the online gambling sector is a profitable way of earnings. A responsible approach to work, cooperation with several affiliate programs, and various promotion techniques will allow you to generate more traffic on online casino websites and multiply your proceeds.