How To Play Deuces
- How To Play Deuces Wild Bonus Poker
- How To Play Deuces Cards
- How To Play Deuces Wild
- How To Play Deuces Wild Poker
If you are tired of the same card games at gambling sites, check how to play deuces. This game has lots of variations to play online. Contributed by Simon Haddad (, and previously published on his website as 'New Card Games for the College Student'.Players Four or five. Cards A standard pack of 52, with two Jokers added in for the four-player version. Some of the deuces wild tips are simple common poker sense, while others seem to fly in the face of common sense. But if you keep these tips in mind the next time you play Deuces Wild online or in your favorite land-based casino, you’ll play better and extract more money from the casino. Ten video poker deuces wild tips. If you get two pair, hold one and hope for the deuces to give you a bigger hand. But if you are playing a deuces wild machine that pays the same for a full house as for four of a kind, then hold both pairs, there remain 8 cards in the deck that could give you a full house. Do not hold high cards.
Basic Game Play
Deuces Wild is a popular variant of video poker, where the objective is to get the best possible poker hand, but with the twist that all deuces counts as a 'wild' card. This means that if you have a pair of kings and a deuce on the board, you will actually have three of a kind kings, since the deuce will count towards being a king, thus the name Deuces wild.
To play the game you will first need to insert credits into the game and then choose the amount of credits that you want to bet on the hand you are about to play. Then you press the 'deal' button and the machine will then show you the first five cards, where you have the option to 'hold' as many as them as you want, which means that when you press deal to go to the next betting round those cards will not be changed.
This is a good idea to do if you have a pair or any deuces on the board, to ensure that they will not change the cards. Once you have chosen the cards you want to hold, you simply press deal again and the cards that are not held will change to other cards. Once the cards have been dealt the second time the betting rounds are over and the machine will see if you have a good enough hand to get a prize or not and if so, pay you accordingly with the hand you have.
Deuces wild is a fun game to play and is a great change for the players that normally play regular video poker, providing more good hands to the players because of the wild deuces. There is a difference in the strength of the hand you need to have in order to actually win a prize, you can read more about that in rules and payouts.
The deuces wild game only uses one regular 52 card deck at a time, eliminating the chance of you getting multiple cards of the same denomination and suit in the game. It also provides a more fair chance of winning by only using one deck of cards, so overall it is a good thing. The deck will be reshuffled automatically after you finish playing a hand, so you will not be able to count which cards that has already been used.
All deuces are wild cards, which means that they will count towards what benefits you the most. This means that if you have three queens in a hand and one deuce, then you will have four of a kind as the deuce will count as an extra queen.
There are two rounds of each game of deuces wild, the first is where the first five cards are shown and you can hold the ones you want to keep to the next round and the second round is the showdown round where you will see if you have won a prize or not.
Hand Rankings

The hand ranking system for deuces wild is similar to the one you know from regular poker, however there are some differences towards it that you should be aware off before starting to play the game. Below you can see which hands qualifies as a winning hand, so you will know if you are about to win or have to try again. We will start from the lowest winning hand to the highest winning hand:
- Three of a kind - When you have three of the same cards in a hand or have a pair with a deuce on the board
- Straight - When you have five cards in sequence of any suit, one of the cards can however be replaced by a deuce and still form a straight
- Flush - When you have five cards of the same suit or four of the same suit with a deuce on the board
- Full House - When you have three cards of the same denomination and a pair, or when you have two pairs with a deuce on the board
- Four of a kind - When you have four of the same denomination or three of a kind with a deuce on the board
- Straight Flush - When you have five cards in sequence with the same suit or if you have you have four cards in sequence of the same suit with a deuce on the board
- Five of a kind - When you have four cards of the same denomination and a deuce
- Deuces Royal Flush - When you have 10, Jack, Queen, King and Ace of the same suit, with one of the cards being replaced by a deuce
- Four Deuces - When you have four deuces on the board
- Royal Flush - When you have 10, Jack, Queen, King and a Ace of the same suit on the board with no deuces.
How To Play Deuces Wild Bonus Poker
As you can see it is slightly more difficult to win a minimum prize when you play deuces wild, but there are more payout methods in general in deuces wild, making it a great game to play if you love video poker.
How To Play Deuces Cards
Below you will find a general payout scheme for deuces wild, which should only be seen as a general guideline as some casinos offers better or worse payouts:
How To Play Deuces Wild
- Three of a Kind Pays 1:1
- Straight Pays 2:1
- Flush Pays 2:1
- Full House Pays 4:1
- Four of a Kind Pays 5:1
- Straight Flush Pays 8:1
- Five of a Kind Pays 12:1
- Deuces Royal Flush Pays 0:1
- Four Deuces Pays 100:1
- Royal Flush Pays 500:1
How To Play Deuces Wild Poker
Always check what the casino you are playing in pays, so you can see if you are getting a fair payout when you win or if you have to change the casino you are playing at. The higher the payouts, the better your overall odds are, which is something that is important when playing against the house.