Phil Hellmuth Poker Site

4/12/2022by admin

We are barely into 2021, but Doug Polk made what could easily be the best fold of the year against Phil Hellmuth on the most recent episode of High Stakes Poker on PokerGO.

Phil Hellmuth has his own Poker Brat clothing line, where people can choose from a variety of different styled t-shirts and hats. Each shirt and hat costs approximately $30, and they can be purchased right. Phil Hellmuth has finally done it. He has cashed in the $50,000 Poker Player's Championship. With 17 players remaining, Hellmuth was the third short stack and got into a three way hand with a very short-stacked Robert Mizrachi. By seventh street, Phil.


The no-limit hold’em game was seven-handed with blinds of $200-$400 and Phil Hellmuth raised to $1,100 from the hijack with Q10. James Bord called on the button with 22 and Doug Polk defended his big blind with 107.

The flop was J98 and action checked to Bord, who bet $2,000. Polk check-raised to 7,000 and Hellmuth moved all in for $97,200. Bord quickly folded and Polk went into the tank for several minutes. He eventually began talking.

“This is insane,” said Polk. “It’s just such a monster raise. Phil, what do you got over there? I’m considering making a very big laydown. A very, very big laydown.”

Hellmuth remained silent for some time before finally answering Polk.

“I could easily have…”

“What could you easily have?” said Polk. “You just bet a lot into very little.”

“I could have a set,” said Hellmuth.

“Could you have a set?” asked Polk. “I don’t think you’d have a set here.”

“I could have the blockers,” said Hellmuth. “Two 10’s.”

“I think I’m either dead… and I think I’m dead a lot, given this,” said Polk. “Or you just have a ton of equity against me.”

Polk eventually showed his hand and then tossed it into the muck. Hellmuth mucked his hand, despite others at the table pleading with him to show so they could settle side bets at the table.

Now that the hole cards are public knowledge, both Polk and Hellmuth took to social media to address the hand. Polk called the laydown his “favorite fold” in his poker career.

Imagine making like 15 bb here

— Doug Polk (@DougPolkVids) March 4, 2021

Hellmuth gave Polk props as well, saying that everyone else would’ve lost an extra $90,000.

Sigh…I see why you say that this was the best fold/FAV fold of your career: GREAT fold @DougPolkVids!! Saved $90,000, that everyone else would have lost, everyone else!! That’s $90,000 that is NOT in my bank account. Great play #DougPolkNiceLife

— phil_hellmuth (@phil_hellmuth) March 4, 2021

The show returned for an eighth season last December with PokerGO’s reboot of the cash game series. Gabe Kaplan and AJ Benza, who hosted most of the first seven seasons on Game Show Network, were brought back as commentators for this season. All of the action is being filmed at the PokerGO’s studio at the Aria on the Las Vegas Strip.

Phil Hellmuth Poker Site

The fold by Polk was nearly identical to one made by another high-stakes cash game phenom, Garrett Adelstein, in October 2019 on Live At The Bike! Adelstein turned the second nuts with 107 when a high-stakes regular known as Andy turned the nuts with Q10.

Phil Hellmuth Poker Sites

Adelstein ended up check-folding the river to a bet of $14,500.

You can watch Polk’s monster fold in the clip below:

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