Tennis Slang Terms
Are you looking for Tennis slogans, chants, sayings & phrases to support your favorite Player or Team?
You want to express your passion and love for Tennis?
Ace A perfect serve in bounds that the opponent cannot return and is not touched by the receiver. Ad court The side of the court on which the second point of each game begins, also called the left court or the backhand court. Advantage The player who scores the first point after deuce is said to have the advantage, since winning the next point will also win the game. Are you looking for Tennis slogans, chants, sayings & phrases to support your favorite Player or Team? Or You want to express your passion and love for Tennis? In this post, you will find Tennis slogans, phrases, one-liners & chants for t-shirts, posters, banners etc. You will also find funny Tennis.
Word in Term Sports » Tennis Abbreviations Browse 499 acronyms and abbreviations related to the Tennis terminology and jargon. Font size: AATA: Amarillo Area Tennis Association: Rate it: AATS: Annapolis Area Tennis School: Rate it: AAYT: Arthur Ashe Youth Tennis: Rate it: ABTL. Tennis Expressions and Terminology With a Funny Twist Rules, naming and tennis expressions can seem foreign to new players and to those unfamiliar with competitive play. Below is a list of common tennis expressions, phrases and terminology you may hear on the court. Tennis players and competition referees can use this vocabulary of tennis terminology. The titles and common match rulings will also help spectators and sports fans. The official tennis rules and regulations is a good place to start if you are learning to play. This list of tennis words covers advanced tennis lingo and sports terms related to.
In this post, you will find Tennis slogans, phrases, one-liners & chants for t-shirts, posters, banners etc. You will also find funny Tennis Slogans.
Feel free to use these slogans where ever you want and also share them with your friends.
Tennis Slogans
I play Tennis, What’s your superpower
You need balls to play Tennis
Education is important, Tennis is importanter
Baby got back hand
I can’t, I have Tennis
I play Tennis, Love means nothing to me
Yes I’m that player you rather not play against
Happiness is Shaped
Don’t make me Backhand YA!
Be nice to the Tennis Player, Santa is watching
Tennis is the only game, Love means nothing
See you in the court
Proud to be a Tennis MOM
Read Also: Teamwork Captions & Phrases
Grab your balls, We’re going to play Tennis
I don’t always play Tennis, OH wait, Yes I Do!
Tennis serve on fleek
Weekend forecast, Tennis with no chance of house Cleaning or Cooking
Tennis is my Therapy
I play Tennis because Punching people is Frowned upon
I don’t need Therapy, I just need to play Tennis
The Tennis courts are calling, And I must GO
When life gets complicated, I play Tennis
Timing is everything
Less work – More Tennis
Keep calm & play Tennis
Check Out: International Tennis Federation Official Website
Tennis, It’s in my Blood
Play one point at a time
We put the bad in Tennis
Cool shot Bro, hit it again
Tennis without borders
Tennis is life, the rest is just details
Keep calm & Tennis on
The Tennis Emporium
Mom says play Tennis
Hot shot
Keep calm & smash hard
I will marry a Tennis Player
Life sucks without Tennis
I love Tennis
Eat Sleep Tennis Repeat
Defend till the end!
Go hard or Go home
Fight till Victory
Basketball Slang Terms
Tennis, the best you can get!
Play like a Champion today
Tennis, this is it!
Tennis for you!
Trust Tennis
We do Tennis right
See you at Tennis
It’s Tennis time
I’m lovin’ Tennis
Drugs? No thanks, I’m a Tennis Player
Smash it
It’s all about Tennis
Life is Boring without Tennis
No Tennis, No fun
Do the Tennis
Tennis Moments
Tennis, your way!
Truly Tennis
Tennis – Your game
The Tennis effect
Tennis Slogans For Boys’ t-shirts
Blessed to be obsessed about Tennis
I Play tennis to burn off the crazy
Keep calm & Play Tennis
I’m the Guy, Your Coach warned you about
It starts with Love
This is my Tennis Shirt
Read Also: Slogan Ideas for Boys’ T-Shirts
Tennis is life
Never trust a Tennis Player, Love means nothing to them
Coffee the Tennis
I just want to play Tennis and Chill
Play Tennis Like a Boss

Tennis Slogans for Girls’ t-shirts
Real Girls Love Tennis
Some girls wear pink, Real girls go Tennis
Future Tennis Star
I hate being Sexy buy I’m a Tennis Girl so I can’t help it
Life is better on the court
Crawl, Walk, Tennis
Read Also: Slogan Ideas for Girls’ T-Shirts
Anyone can coach Boys, A real man Coached Girls
I only like Boys who Play Tennis
I know I Play like a Girl, Try to Keep Up
Born to play Tennis with my Daddy
Love is Nothing in Tennis
Girls Run the World
The force is female
Motivational Tennis Phrases & Captions
I will not be stopped
Challenge Yourself
You are your only limit
Don’t stop when you’re tired, Stop when you’re done
Try harder than Yesterday
It never gets easier, you just get better
Read Also: Motivational New Day Sayings & Quotes
Pain is temporary, Greatness is forever
The body achieves what the mind Believes
No Pain. No Gain. Shut up & Train
A champion is someone who gets up even when he Can’t
Champions Train, Losers Complain
Funny Tennis Slogans & Phrases
Tennis takes Balls
Born to play Tennis, Forced to Work
Tennis makes me Happy. YOU. Not so much.
Don’t be a Deuce Bag
Stop staring at my fury Balls
Tennis keeps me Sane
If someone says they don’t like Tennis, Backhand Them
Check Out: Funny Slogans & One-Liners
Grab your balls, we’re going to play Tennis
Education is important but Tennis is Importanter
I like Tennis & Maybe Like 3 People
I always cause a Racquet
Kiss my ACE
I love it when my WIFE lets me play Tennis
Tennis is calling and I must Go
A day without Tennis Probably wouldn’t kill me, Buy Why Risk It?
Basketball Slang Terms Glossary
Monday through Friday, we pour blood, sweat, and tears into our jobs. Winners and losers emerge from everyday interactions. You have to keep your eye on the ball, step up to the plate, and be ready to perform when your number is called.
Oh, boy. When did sports clichés become such a widespread form of communication in corporate America?
Nobody knows the exact answer, but there’s no arguing that sports culture and its terminology are prevalent in offices across the country. Explaining twenty-five of the most frequently used phrases will help you stay one step ahead of the competition.
1 “Knocked it out of the park”
Two of the greatest feelings in the world are walking out of a meeting room after nailing a presentation and trotting around the bases after hitting a home run. The phrase “knocked it out of the park” refers to more than just the home run. It implies that it was such a success that you have time to make a slow, satisfying victory lap around the bases.
2 “Game of inches”
Attributed to legendary Green Bay Packers coach Vince Lombardi and then immortalized by Al Pacino in Any Given Sunday, a game of inches justifies why the littlest detail matters. In football and business, the difference between raising a championship banner and being considered a failure is often the smallest margin.
3 “Lost a step”
Popularized by boxing scribes in the early twentieth century, “losing a step” is associated with a high-level employee’s deteriorating skill set in the corporate world. Depending on who the person is, this could be a damaging blow to the individual or the entire company. A boxer who has lost a step is more likely to end up on their back than win a prize fight.
4 “The ball is in their court”
In your business-to-business dealings, it’s quite common for one company to be lagging behind in the decision-making process. When you’ve done everything on your end to make a decision, the ball is now in their court—which stems from a stalling tactic in both tennis and basketball. This means it’s up to them to take the next step.
5 “Slam dunk”
Slam dunking was popularized in the mid-1970s NBA as an electrifying way to score points. It has arguably evolved into sports’ most celebrated play. At the office, slam dunks can refer to just about any guaranteed success: ideas, execution or a new hire.
6 “Next man up”
Whether a talented staffer leaves for a better job or a key team member suddenly has to go on jury duty, every business deals with the concept of the next man up. It means the show must go on, no matter who is assuming the void. The phrase has recently been ingrained in society by notably tough coaches like Bill Belichick and Jim Harbaugh. Star players sometimes come into their own using this philosophy. The same thing can happen in an office.
7 “Ice water in their veins”
The most successful athletes are cool under pressure—in other words, they have ice water in their veins. Superstar athletes like quarterback Tom Brady and legendary basketball player Michael Jordan were at their best in the fourth quarter with the outcome of the game on the line. Most companies have a handful of exceptional employees with these ice-water traits, who routinely defy odds to deliver a deal or close a sale.
8 “Hail Mary”
When a football team is out of options at the end of the half or game, their quarterback will throw a sixty-yard prayer to the end zone. The play has an extremely low success rate—less than five percent. Businesses have adopted “Hail Mary” as a term to define a last-resort tactic for salvaging a situation or project. The term entered modern lingo in 1975 after a Vikings-Cowboys game. Currently, Green Bay Packers quarterback Aaron Rodgers has been dubbed the King of the Hail Mary for his success rate with the longshot pass.
9 “A win is a win”
Most teams must overcome errors and turnovers to secure a victory. Have you ever botched an assignment where everything seems to be going haywire—but the result still makes the customer happy? You know exactly what “a win is a win” feels like.
10 “Pass the baton”
Working on a difficult team project can feel like a relay race. To “pass the baton” refers to passing off your portion of the assignment, much like a 4×100 meter Olympic relay race. Think of yourself as a cross-functional project manager who needs to get approval from another vertical within the company. You’re surely going to “pass” your portion of the work to a different department to get this feedback.
Let’s go off to the races with 15 more sports-heavy terms in the workplace
11 “Cross the goal line”
Think of finishing a project the same way a football player crosses into the end zone to score a touchdown.
12 “Take one for the team”
If you did some boring or difficult work to make your teammates’ job easier, you “took one for the team.” In sports, this refers to taking a tackle or making a personal sacrifice so your team can score.
13 “Full-court press”
This basketball term that applies to pressing your defense to not allow the offense to have any space. It also mirrors the recruiting world when a company aggressively courts a candidate.
14 “G.O.A.T.”
This acronym stands for “Greatest of all time.” Some would consider it a career goal to reach this level of acclaim in business or sport.
15 “Monday morning quarterback”
This term refers to someone who’s always second-guessing a decision made in a football game or business meeting after it’s already happened.
Some phrases may seem harmless until you think about what message they’re really sending. Here are 10 words and phrases to stop using at work, and what you should say instead. (via @Grammarly)
— Glassdoor (@Glassdoor) April 6, 2018
16 “Par for the course”
A simple outcome that was expected can equate to scoring a par on a hole of golf.
17 “Behind the eight ball”
When you’re in a bad situation at work, one could equate it to having the cue ball behind the eight ball in a game of pool or billiards. You have limited options.
18 “Curveball”
Thrown for a loop at work? Think of a baseball pitcher spinning a pitch to a batter so they’re unable to react accordingly.
19 “Punt”
This football term reflects a team kicking the ball back to their opponent. If you punt at work, you’re passing up something to be considered another day.
20 “Teed up”
Golfers give themselves an advantage by hitting off of a tee to begin every hole. So, when somebody does work ahead of time for you, they’ve teed you up for success.
HEDGING, n.Language that unnecessarily limits or qualifies an idea
Learn more:
— Grammarly (@Grammarly) April 17, 2018
21 “Marathon”
Work isn’t a sprint, it’s a marathon of activity. You can treat long-term projects like you’re a runner who’s looking to pace over a long distance in favor of quick bursts.
22 “Utility player”
Baseball is a sport with versatile players who often handle multiple positions. Think of this term next time you handle cross-functional roles on a major project.
23 “You have someone in your corner”
It’s always great to receive managerial support, like a boxer who needs to have someone in their corner giving advice during a prize fight.

Tennis Slang Words
24 “Get the ball rolling”
You can’t roll a strike in bowling or putt in golf without getting started. The same goes for any work-related project.
Tennis Slang Terms
25 “Dropped the ball”
What Are Some Tennis Terms
If you dropped the ball at work, chances are you missed a step in a project, forgot to email someone back, or made a huge error—just like an outfielder in baseball dropping a fly ball that was a can of corn. Wait, what? We can save that explanation for a food-phrase list.